The Best Presents for Swing Dancers 

An inspiring list of great presents for dancers, be it for christmas, birthdays or as a gift for a dance teachers or organisers incl. price ranges.

  • Go dancing with them
  • Dance Towels (obviously ;) )
  • Festival and Concert Tickets
  • Dancing Shoes
  • Music
  • Private Lessons
  • Dance Clothing and Accessories
  • Massage and Wellness Equipment
  • Dance Related Art
  • Memberships to an Online School
  • Yoga or Fitness Studio Membership
  • Books about Dance, Music and History

Dance with them!

If you want to make a dancer truely happy, dance with them! If you are not a dancer yourself, go to a dance party where they offer a beginner taster (its quite common) learn the few basics and dance those basics all night to the best of your ability and have fun. All dancers know what it feels like to start and they will be overjoyed to dance with you, no matter how good you are. 

Price: invaluable

Dance Towels

Dance Towels are one of the greatest presents you can give to any dancer. They are practical and beautiful and will make the recipients very happy, because its something they will use a lot to get rid of their sweat and it will really elevate their style.

Price: Around 40€

Check out the Dance Towels right here:

Festival and Concert Tickets

Festivals are the Highlights in every dancer's year. We would recommend to gift a voucher (unless you will go together), because there are so many booking options and so many festivals that you choose from and you often also have to take care of accommodation and travelling costs.

If you are looking for Swing dancing festivals you can find many of them here:

Price: About 150€ + Travel + Accommodation

Dancing shoes

Dancing shoes are of course great for dancers, but there it would be best to gift a voucher, because every dancer has a more or less secret wish for a certain pair.

If you want some inspiration: Look at our article about swing dancing shoes here:

Price: Around 150+ €


Every dancer needs music to dance. Many dancers even DJ from time to time and every loves to see bands supported. We depend on each other, so we should support each other.

Jonathan Stout said: "The best way to support musicians is by fiving them cash in person but the second best way is via bandcamp"

Price: 10-20€

Private Lessons

Many Dancers have some Idols they would love to have a private lesson with and many of those idols, when in town for a festival, are also available for private lessons in between their festival schedule. Just contact the teachers directly via Instagram and make an appointment, they will be happy to do so.

For example Tanya and Sondre can be reached here:

Price: Around 80€ per Teacher

Dance Clothing and Accessories

These are some of the easiest presents to give to dancers. A new Tie, new suspenders, a new "Swingy skirt with pockets" ;) (It's an insider joke in the swing dancing scene) Maybe some new vintage inspired pants like the ones from Casually Fancy. Or a brand new Dance Towel maybe?

If you want some more inspiration about vintage inspired clothing for swing dancers, here's a good place to go once you got your dance towel ;)

Price: 10 - 150€

Massage and Wellness equipment

Dancing takes a toll on any body so dancers love things like massage rollers and gels and creams to cater to sore muscles.  Really, anything that helps relax muscles and prevent cramps is highly appreciated. 

Price: 5-50€

Dance related Art

Dancers love dancing, so they love to surround themselves with dance and music inspired art. Our designer Gosia for example also runs where you can get handmade dance inspired lynocuts and there are many very creative artists in all dance scenes.

Price: 30-90€

Membership to an Online School

There are many ways to learn dancing and for passionate dancers, there can rarely be enough inspiration.

Sometimes dancers would love to just try an Online School, like the one from SwingStep or Ilindy a little to see how it would be like. You could be the facilitator of such a test.

(I will eventually make a list of all Lindy Hop online schools I know, but I didn't find the time, yet, but the link will follow.)

Price: Around 30-50€

Yoga or Fitnes Studio Membership

Dancers need to take care of their bodies. Through strengthening and through stretching. Fitnes studios or Yoga studios both help with that.

Price: 30-50€

Books about Dance, Music and its history

For every dancer there comes a point in their journey when they start getting interested in the history of the music and the dance. There are many great books about these topics. If you want to know where to start for Lindy Hop, the Biography  of Frankie Manning, is a good starting point. 

Price: 15-40€

Did we miss any good presents?

If you know some more great presents for dancers, please write us here or on fb or instagram, we would love to hear your suggestions and expand our list. 

Price: invaluable