Valentines gifts for male dancers

A list of great ideas created by men for everyone who wants to make a male dancer happy on Valentines Day.

What to give men as gifts or present for Valentines Day?
 Well... all men are different, but often times, when men need or want something, they just go and get it. So as men get older, it becomes harder and harder to gift them anything they would want but don't already have. (Since often times we men use our things untill they fall apart ;) ) 
Here are some ideas that might help you gift something your valentine dancer doesn't already have. 

  • Go dancing with them!
  • Dance Towels
  • Festival and Concert Tickets
  • Dancing Shoes
  • Music
  • Private Lessons
  • Dance Clothing and Accessories

Go dancing with them!

"But they go dancing all the time anyways." Well... Yes ... Because we love to go dancing! It's allways a good idea to go dancing with a dancer, there is never enough and they will be happy if you enable them to do what they love.
Price: invaluable

A Dance Towel

Most men who dance don't already have a real Dance Towel, because they are brand new and they simply don't know about them. So this is your chance to give him one as a present before he gets it for himself.
Especially if they are someone who is concious of his sweating and brings extra shirts and maybe even a cotton towel to his dances already, a Dance Towel will show him that you see and appreciate what he is doing for his partners and he will love that you support him in his quest to be the most pleasant partner to dance with possible.
And he will love that you got him something beautiful and useful. (If your Valentine is anything like me, he will be very happy that it's something usefull.)

PS: In the weeks prior to Valentines Day we have a special offer, where you can get yours for 10% off!! Use code: FORMYVALENTINE at checkout.

Price: 35-60€

Check them out right now:

Festival and Concert Tickets

 Festivals and Concerts with live bands are the highlights of every dancers year. If you can help him squeeze one more of those into his calendar, you are the best!

Look up his spotify playlist, check out which bands he is listening to and see if they happen to have a concert somewhere close, or if they appear at a festival nearby.

Try to remember which dancer videos he has shown you recently and try to find a festival or workshop they are giving. That makes for a pretty great romantic weekend, too. 

If you are looking for Swing dancing festivals you can find many of them here:

Price: About 150-300€ + Travel + Accommodation

Dancing shoes

We men often wear our dancing shoes untill they fall apart. If your valentines' are of that kind, gift them a voucher for a new pair. (Don't just straight up buy them, they might already have a certain pair in mind.)

If you want some inspiration: Look at our article about swing dancing shoes here:

Price: Around 150+ €


Not everyone knows this, but not all great dance music is on spotify. In fact the music of many bands can only get bought on the bands website or on bandcamp. If you know some bands that your valentine loves, go, get him some digital downloads. He will love the music, the thought and that you are directly supporting the artists he loves.

Price: 10-20€

Private Lessons

Many Dancers have some Idols they would love to have a private lesson with and many of those idols, when in town for a festival, are also available for private lessons in between their festival schedule. Just contact the teachers directly via Instagram and make an appointment, they will be happy to do so.

For example Tanya and Sondre can be reached here:

Price: Around 80€ per Teacher

Dance Clothing and Accessories

These are some of the easiest presents to give to dancers. A new Tie, new suspenders. Maybe some new vintage inspired pants like the ones from Casually Fancy. Or a swankey new Dance Towel maybe?

Going to a thrift store with him to find some vintage items is also a great idea.

Price: Highly varying from 10 - 150€

Did we miss any good presents?

If you know some more great presents for dancers, please write us here or on fb or instagram, we would love to hear your suggestions and expand our list. 

Price: invaluable